Resources Quicklinks

Alliance Hose & Rubber Co.
Catalog - (PDF - 3 MB)

Catalog - (PDF - 3 MB)

Food & Beverage Hose
Cleaning Procedures - (PDF - 3 MB)

Credit Application for Customers
(PDF - 104 KB)

(PDF - 87 KB)
*When evaluating hose applications, we use the acronym "S.T.A.M.P.E.D." to be sure we ask all the right questions so you get the correct assembly for your application

Fraction to Decimal Conversion Chart
(PDF - 153 KB)

Chemical Compatibility Chart
(PDF - 3 MB)

Thread Information
(PDF - 3 MB)

Temperature Derating Chart
(PDF - 3 MB)

PROCO Catalog
(PDF - 3 MB)